
"For the love of art"

About imageAbout imageAbout image
  • This site offers a collection of the artwork of Nick Rodgers.
Each gallery shows a different style or genre that Nick likes to work with.
Nick studied visual art at Aberystwyth University in the early '80's. Nick has always had an interest in Sci Fi, and as such he directed his skills towards sci fi book cover illustration.
Over the course of years, and after a change of career, his artistic interest has moved away and towards more down to earthly subjects and with his love of colour, light and shade, reflections off gleaming surfaces, led him to paint images of cut glass, bottles, shiny metallic objects and also those iconic trucks and classic cars of America which he has always been fascinated by; although Nick has recently been focusing his artistic creativity towards dramatic mountainous landscape with a little nod towards his scifi past.

Nick's style is realistic without being hyper-realistic.

Paintings are in Gouache, Acrylic and watercolour by traditional brush and airbrush. Please take a look in each gallery, if anything catches your eye, please contact him. All paintings are for sale and commissions can be requested and prints can be ordered.
  • 9 Theydon Gate, Theydon Bois, Epping, UK